Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What to do

I had a glimmer of what to write about. But that evaporated, leaving a crusty residue, like contact lense cleaner that dried on the bathroom counter.

So now I will just ramble in the hopes that something pops out.

OK - while I was thinking I remembered something I saw in the Star Tribune. So while I was thinking I went over there.

It links you to the "Belief-o-Matic" which has to be the best named online-quiz-self-revelation doohickey I have seen in a while. My results were interesting as apparently my beliefs align more with the Orthodox Quakers than the religion I grew up with. I have no idea what Orthodox Quakers believe and how this quiz has pegged me with that.

Actually the religion it most aligned me with was "Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants" which doesn't sound as nearly interesting to write about as Orthodox Quakers. Thankfully, Jehovah's Witness came in dead last. I hate to have to start going door to door as I really don't have the time.

And now for some lines of winter:

Grayness gallows the mind
Snow has recessed
Leaving a flotsom of sand and grit
The sun is a forgotten passenger
That courts the soul
From time to time
Spring to come
While the future rests
In the glow of the branches
Warmed by a fleeting lover.

1 comment:

Gina said...

You are an enigma Daniel, a dry wit with such poetic depth. I enjoy your posts.